
urchinTracker is not defined is a Firefox / Adblock issue
August 15, 2007, 3:12 pm
Filed under: analytics, google, javascript, urchin, web development

I was wondering why I always got this error in Firebug:

urchinTracker is not defined

Well, I finally figured out it was because of my Adblock settings. So if you get this error on your sites, check your adblock settings!

Floating elements in Internet Explorer using Javascript
December 21, 2006, 9:12 am
Filed under: css, float, ie, internet explorer, javascript, quirks, web development

Internet Explorer strikes again.

To float an element using Javascript in pretty much any browser other than IE you would write: = 'left';

Can you imagine though that this is not the way it works in Internet Explorer? In IE you’ll have to write the following: = 'left';

IE for the win!